*Rick Rubin is a kindergarten teacher from Boston

(4.8/5 from 220+ readers)

Bust open your creative potential to stand out at work.
Leave your peers gobsmacked.And make your life so fulfilling that even your inner critic will give you a standing ovation.


10 real benefits from
reading my book:

1. Crack open an infinite well of superior ideas to excel at work.
2. Say adios to writer's block.
3. Upgrade your creative skills faster than a montage in an 80s movie.
4. Boost your confidence for any project (even interpretive dance).
5. Master the art of thinking sideways, upside down, and inside out.
6. Learn to relax and let the creativity flow like a river of imagination.
7. Make creativity your new daily habit (sorry, social media scrolling).
8. Discover hidden talents you didn't know you had (juggling flaming ideas, anyone?).
9. Wow, your peers with MacGyver-level creative problem-solving.
10. Bust open creative doors you've kept locked since childhood.

We're All Creative (Yes, Even You)

Sure, creativity can seem scarier than a blank canvas to a first-time painter. But it's a lot like riding a bike – at first, you wobble, you fall, you question your life choices. Then, something clicks. You're zooming down Inspiration Avenue with the wind in your hair.The secret? Action. One pedal stroke at a time.That's why this book is packed with exercises that'll have your creativity muscles flexing like a bodybuilder on Venice Beach.Think about it: You don't get ripped abs by reading about crunches. You get them by crunching (and maybe saying no to that extra slice of pizza). The same goes for creativity.Dedicate just 10 minutes a day to this book, and watch your mind transform into an idea-generating powerhouse.

What’s inside?

500+ pages of brain-bending, perspective-shifting exercisesSkills to make your creativity as sharp as a samurai sword: seeing, distorting, questioning, morphing, connecting, reinventing, and synthesizing.170+ visual examples that'll make your eyeballs dance11 printable PDF templates to turn your creativity up to 11

My eBook works on Amazon Kindle, iBooks (iPad and iPhone), Kindle app (iPad and iPhone), Kobo, & Nook. Basically it works on any eBook reader.

The Future Belongs to Creatives, not AI.

Heard the whispers that AI is coming for creative jobs? Here's the truth bomb: AI will only take your job if your ideas are as bland as unseasoned tofu.Real creativity – the kind that makes people's jaws drop and hearts soar – requires a human touch. It needs soul, baby.AI can remix Beethoven, but it can't birth a new Beethoven. That takes a spark of madness only humans possess.In a world of artificial everything, your authentic creativity is your secret weapon. It's time to sharpen it.

Examples of things you will create yourself👇

plus another 162 simple, fast and easy creative boosting exercises...

Who Needs This Book?
(Spoiler: Probably You)

Anyone who's ever looked at a blank page and felt their soul shrivelThose who think "creative" is a dirty word (we'll change your mind)People who want to tap into the superpower they were born with (yes, you have it)Anyone who believes creativity can transform their life (you're goddamn right it can)

About the author

David Delahunty

Unlike Ron Burgundy, I'm not the biggest fan of flexing...But I understand I have to do it to gain your trust and show some credibility.So here goes...🫡 First and foremost, I'm a creative who takes many chances. You could call me a Creative Chancer.🫂 I am also passionate about helping people find their creativity; I do this mostly on my personal Instagram @delahuntagram.😂 I'm the dude behind the largest design meme account, @designershumor; I also run a few more design accounts with over 2.5 Million followers.🤑 I've made shy of seven figures selling digital products (like this eBook) since leaving my big boy job 5 years ago.📅 I've been posting ideas daily for the last 3 years, with well over 4,000 ideas posted publicly on ideasgrab.com. It receives over 1M impressions annually.😻 Released 3 eBooks that reached #1 & #2 on Product Hunt.💌 Run an ideas newsletter with over 20,000 subscribersAnd the one I'm most proud of...I've done all of the above while being a full-time dad to my two beautiful children, AND did I mention I did it all of the above as a one-man creative chancer...

Life is short and wonderful... and if you want to do exciting things and make it worthwhile, then you owe it to yourself to go after creativity. I know it's what you want for yourself. It's what I wanted. It's what we all want.

Buy now and you will get my best-selling ebook "How To Become An Idea Machine" for free!!

"Enjoying the book! I read through it over again. I also flip to a random page and read through a bunch of pages of ideas. Great stuff."
- Sabine, Artist
"Instabuy! Excellent book, very refreshing and practical. This will be useful for a long time!"
- Ben, Entrepreneur
"I preordered and now have it and its AMAZING"
- Catherine Hicks, Marketer

100% not ai generated endorsements👇

The Only Thing Holding You Back Is... You

We've all got that annoying voice in our heads listing reasons why we "can't" be creative:Fear of failure (spoiler: failure is just spicy learning)Imposter syndrome (news flash: we're all imposters sometimes)Not enough time (you've got time for social media, though, right?)Too old, too young, too [insert excuse here]Here's the deal: You can let your fears hold you back. OR, you can flip them the bird, grab this book, and take the first step towards creative badassery.The choice is yours, future creative genius.

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After you purchase the eBook, the download link will take a few minutes to come to your email inbox due to PDF stamping. Make sure you enter the right email address at checkout. It sometimes can take up to 10-15 minutes before you receive the link. Be patient.IMPORTANT! If for some reason you don't get the email with the link within 30 minutes reach out me and I'll send it manually as soon as I can!

Digital-only ebook

There is no physical version of this book. It's digital-only.


I stand behind my eBook and your satisfaction is important to me. However, because my product is in digital format I offer no refunds.

Still scrolling?
ok time for the big guns...jokes, really cringey art jokes

Why couldn’t the man afford expensive art? He had no Monet.Why did Van Gogh become a painter? Because he didn't have an ear for music.I used to do fine arts, until I decided I didn’t like the arts. Now I’m doing just fine.I failed my art exam using the wrong pencil. Guess it wasn’t 2b.I was going to joke about my broken pencil. But it was pointless.